English Animation Dubbing Contest
In the third class on the afternoon of 11th June, students from the 8th grade attended the English Animation Dubbing Contest at the School Lecture Hall. 15 classes sent a team of players respectively to participate in the event and English teachers from the 7th grade acted as judges. The whole event went in an intense yet orderly way.
Each contestant was enthusiastic as if they were the characters in the movies to showcase their pure and fluent spoken English. Although there were many roles to dub, everyone worked closely together in an orderly way and conquered the audience with their fluent oral English. For instance, in the movie ‘The Incredibles’, the characters spoke pretty quickly. Nonetheless, students kept up with the rhythm naturally. Their amazing speech imitation put the atmosphere to a climax. Evidently, the characters in the movies acted brilliantly. Contestants in the English Animation Dubbing Contest performed ingeniously. Besides, teachers and students present watched the performance wholeheartedly and there was warm applause from time to time.
To conclude, the dubbing activities stimulated the 8th-grade students’ interest in practising spoken English and provided them with a platform to display their oral English abilities, which not only achieved the goal of applying what’s been learnt, but also further cultivated and boosted students’ enthusiasm in learning English.
Attached were the results of the contest:
First award winners: Classes 6,2,11&14, Grade 8.
Second place candidates: Classes 3,4,13,9&10, Grade 8.
Third prize contestants: Classes 1,5,7,8,12&15, Grade 8.



